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« Book research »

Useful links for "Altes Buch" [ancient book] (external links, please read the imprint!)

All ages

[OCLC] research: Worldcat [link]
Provider: Online-Computer-Library-Center (thousands of libraries are members worldwide)
Media: Books and other media worldwide
Period: ???-[today]
[KVK] research: Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog [link]
Provider: KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) library
Media: Books and other media worldwide (Meta-catalogue)
Period: ???-[today]
[ZVDD] research: Zentrales Verzeichnis digitalisierter Drucke [link]
Provider: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Media: Books digitised in Germany.
Period: 583-[today]
[USTC] research: Universal Short Title Catalogue [link][beta]
Provider: University of Cambridge
Media: European prints.
Period: 1450-1650
[ESTC] research: English Short Title Catalogue [link]
Provider: British Library + 2,000 other libraries
Media: English and in English speaking countries published books (no Music and cards).
Period: 1474-1800
[STCN] research: Short Title Catalogue Netherlands [link]
Provider: Bibliography of the Netherlands
Media: Dutch and in Dutch speaking countries published books.
Period: 1540-1800


[HSC] research: Handschriftencensus [link]
Provider: Philipps-Universität Marburg
Media: German and in German speaking countries published manuscripts.
Period: 750–1520

15th century

[ISTC] research: Incunabula Short Title Catalogue [link]
Provider: British Library
Media: Incunabula (early printings) of all languages and origins.
Period: 1450-1500
[INKA] research: Inkunabelkatalog Deutscher Bibliotheken [link]
Provider: University Library of Tuebingen
Media: Incunabula (early printings) held by German libraries.
ZPeriod: 1450-1500

16th century

[VD-16] research [link]
Provider: Bavarian State Library Munich
Media: German and in German speaking countries published books (no single leaf prints).
Period: 1501-1600
[EDIT-16] research: Editione italiane del XVI secolo [link]
Provider: Italian National Bibliography
Media: Italian and in Italian speaking countries published books.
Period: 1501-1600
[SBB-16] research: Staatsbibliothek Berlin [link]
Provider: State Library of Berlin
Media: Books in the ownership of State Library Berlin.
Period: 1501-1600

17th century

[VD-17] research [link] Information [link].
Provider: Cooperation of some Libraries
Media: German and in German speaking countries published books (no Music and cards).
Period: 1601-1700

18th century

[VD-18] research [link]
Provider: Cooperation of some Libraries
Media: German and in German speaking countries published books.
Period: 1701-1800

[Social media] [Imprint] Feb|07|2025